The Blog



Mapping out your marketing plans and schedules

Marketing planning is a huge topic…so set aside a bit of time to read and digest this… It’s hard to believe , but we’re nearly at the mid way point of the year. It’s nearly half over! And with EOFY comes a new financial year. It’s the closing of one chapter and the opening of […]

How to map out your marketing planning for the new financial year


Marketing Coach exploring cost of living crisis

It’s no secret things are a bit of a struggle at the moment. The cost of living is biting us all in our personal lives and professionally. In all seriousness, who can justify an $8 chai latte? And as an entrepreneur and small business owner, the cost of living crisis a really challenging time after […]

How I’m Navigating My Business Through the Cost of Living Crisis (And You Can Too!)


Emily and Edward

You may have noticed I’ve been a little quiet online this year. It was unintentional. In fact, being the hyper organised gal that I am, I’d mapped out the whole year with social media content, emails, blogs, FB group posts. I teach consistency. Keeping going even if you get no one interacting. No one responding. […]

How taking a year’s pause transformed my thinking and my business


Mindful Marketing Maven pregnancy lessons

It’s funny how you look back on your life and you never question things in the moment. It’s when you reflect that you see key turning points, key moments. And for me, those moments have all happened in recent years as I stepped into the path of motherhood. It’s when I finally felt seen. It […]

5 lessons pregnancy taught me about running my business


Marketing Coach celebrating her clients

As you’ve already discovered, life as an entrepreneur involves wearing many hats. And there’s an app or tool for everything as you build and grow your business! As a Business Coach and Marketing Strategist, I coach passion-led Entrepreneurs to build and grow their business in a way that’s aligned with their vision and values. A […]

Top 10 business tools and apps for entrepreneurs


Woman at a desk

Elevate your marketing and 2023 could be a game changing year for you. With another year down an exciting new year is in front of us. It’s three years since the pandemic began and there’s no question that it was a tough time to be a business owner. And small businesses bore the brunt of […]

My Top 4 tips to elevate your marketing in 2023


Female entrepreneur meditating outdoors

Have you ever wondered how entrepreneurs don’t burn out with the endless list of things on their to do list? The answer, dear entrepreneur, is self care. In my experience, successful entrepreneurs, have boundless amounts of energy. This type of entrepreneur is highly motivated. This type of entrepreneur is highly engaged. This type of entrepreneur […]

7 ways to be kind to yourself as an entrepreneur


Business Coach with Post It Notes Planning Marketing activity

Want to know the secret to planning for your marketing success in 2023? You’ve been your business for some time and you’ve loved the journey but you’re not hitting your revenue goals… With the new year soon upon us, you’re looking to how you can have a bigger impact with your business in 2023. I […]

How to plan for marketing success in 2023


Lady contemplating

Entrepreneurship is the greatest personal development journey you’ll ever embark on. The personal and professional growth is like no other experience you’ll have in life. Every day you’re wearing many hats, especially when marketing your business is involved! You have to pivot. Daily. Sometimes more. The buck stops with you… This is also exciting and […]

10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Business


Image of the Mindful Marketing Roadmap Marketing Strategy Plan

How to Write A Marketing Strategy As a passion-led entrepreneur, your business is your lifeline and that comes down to marketing strategy. It’s so personal to you, especially if you’re the face of the brand, and even more so if the brand is you! And one of the elements that moves the needle in your […]

How To Write A Marketing Strategy